Sunday, May 3, 2015

Happy mother's day, week, year....lifetime

What a bittersweet week. Twenty seven years (and one week) ago, my husband and I were welcoming our daughter into the world. Just this week she welcomed her first child. Our daughter was two months early and our grandson almost two weeks late. Both mommas labored for over 48hrs and both babies spent a time in a NICU. One baby was for observation and the other fighting for her life. Both are doing great and are healthy today. Tomorrow I am leaving to meet our new grandson. I am flying across the country at the same time that my oldest son will be leaving (on his son’s 6th birthday) to fly across the world. I will be back in a week; he will be back in a year. As the week comes to a close the world will be celebrating Mother’s Day. Our daughter was always my Mother’s Day baby. It will be a blessing to be spending a portion of my daughters first Mother’s Day with her. I also realized along with the joy of sharing a first Mother’s Day; I will also most likely be missing my mother’s last. Life often hands us the most delicate situations. This week my emotions have been on extreme highs and lows. All of this roller coaster is centered around being a mother. To all of you mothers out there and to everyone who has a mother (you know you do) cherish her and let her know how much you love her. A woman’s heart is really never light once she becomes a mother; as she carries the weight of so many other people within her soul. “Where can I go from your spirit? Or where can I flee from your presence? If I ascend into heaven, you are there. If I make my bed in hell, you are there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me.” ~Psalm 139: 7-10 Every mother knows that like Gods presence even though you cannot see or hear or even feel her physical being with you, you know that as long as you are; she is always with you. To all the mothers who rejoice in their children’s joys and grieve when their hearts are sad. To all the mothers who feel pain when their child hurts & burst with happiness at every accomplishment. To all the mothers with children here with them and to those whose children are angels among us. To every mother who has sat up all night worrying or filling Christmas stockings. To all of you who spend hours, days, weeks, month and years of your life devoted to your children. To all of you, whoever you may be Happy Happy Mother’s Day!