Thursday, December 31, 2015

A Beautiful New Year

Such a gift is a new year. This morning is New Year’s Eve. I am amazed at how those around me have already begun their new year’s resolutions. It is funny how excited we get at the thought of a clean slate or a new way of approaching life but then very quickly slip back into the everyday from the past. Sitting here on this overcast, quiet and thoughtful morning I would like to say that this is bad, my thoughts on this say otherwise. Why is it that we desire change? Maybe because we are human, we have free will to make these choices. Maybe it is because the grass is greener in someone else’s pasture (envy?). Maybe it is due to an eye opening experience that changed our souls? Whatever the reason; most of us approach the New Year with the giddy of a 10 year old begging for a new gadget. If only we can do this, get this or stick to this; our lives will blossom! Even if we get, do or receive the newness fades quickly. Why is it that most of us never stick to the promises we make to ourselves on New Year’s? News flash…for most of us it is because we didn’t have that soul changing, face slapping wake up call telling us what we had was all that bad.. Our lives most likely, short of something devastating were in actuality probably pretty amazing! If you did experience that eye opening moment, you probably made changes in your lifestyle and stuck with them. If you didn’t then I guess the bigger question would be why did you actually make that resolution? Was it because you felt your appearance wasn’t good enough? Your home not organized enough, were you just not enough? This year I urge you to look at the resolutions you are making and why you are making them. If you are making a promise so you can fit into some mold that is not you (societal expectations) then maybe rethink things. How can you adjust “What REALLY IS YOU”? What would actually make you a happier, healthier or better person? God has called each one of us to be individuals; to each set out and make our own positive impact in life. Whether this means losing weight, meeting career goals or serving others look at where you are and have been when choosing new paths. If you love desert and hate exercising then you already know right out of the gate you are most likely not going to give up pie, chips and soda or make it to the gym 4 days a week (of course be realistic, your health is a concern). If you want to be on time, have a cleaner house, be more successful in your career or become a missionary. Don’t walk in the door January 1st and burn out on January 30th. Start small & gradually take your new promise on a test drive; try out a few “promise models” till you find one that you can love. Be sure and ask yourself along the way, am I going to enjoy this and the results it provides? When you love what and why you are doing something; it will become a part of you. You will never be younger than you are right this moment. You might be prettier, more financially stable, thinner, healthier, or just straight up a better person due to a resolution you make on new year’s; but be honest with yourself. The worst promises you can break are those to yourself. When you let yourself down you let everyone around you down. It degrades your self-worth and often undermines your abilities to make good decisions for yourself and those you love. If you want to be better (nothing specific) but just a better you in this New Year, sit down and look at your past. Thumb through old photos; stare out a window with a cup of coffee. Then decide. My Grandmom gave me a cross stitched picture years ago when I was in high school applying for colleges and thinking life was over whelming (I also thought years ago my size 3 body was fat and when it was a size 5 after my first 2 children were born; another subject another day). The cross stitch has the image of a fat little mouse stepping around a mouse trap. The words carefully stitched on it have remained true throughout my life. “Remember these trying times will be the good old days in the years to come”. No matter where you are now; you are only in a place of improving and appreciating where you are and what God has given you. Choose your resolutions wisely. May your choices create joy and peace in you and those around you. Happy New Year! Copyright 2015 Micheline Edwards