Monday, February 20, 2012

Mardi Gras and Faith

Ash Wednesday and Lent are around the corner. In our faith this is a time of reflection,sorrow,abstaining,fasting,repentance and giving. This is a preparation for Easter. Lent is a time for us to reflect upon our relationship with Jesus. This is a time to come to a greater understanding and relationship with Our Holy Father. We look upon the journey he embarked upon before his death and resurrection. I have decided to try to write a bit more during Lent not only for others but for myself. To deepen my faith and my relationship with God. First we begin with "Mardi Gras" (tomorrow),which is French for "Fat Tuesday". It is also known by such names as "Shrove Tuesday" or "Pancake Tuesday" in England. The later name gives us some insight as to what goes on. In England this has been a traditional day to fill up on pancakes which are full of fat, eggs and dairy before fasting and giving up these things for 40 days in Lent. "Fat Tuesday" gives us visions of people filling their bellies to over stuff and then indulging even more. "Mardi Gras" as most of us know it, is a day for colorful beads,king cakes,loud parties and over indulgences. It is a day for celebrations, carnivals and parades. It hardly seems to be a fitting lead into the season to come. Most people who celebrate this day do so without any knowledge of it's religious significance. Some look at this day as a last chance to indulge in treats that they will be giving up in the weeks to come. Some say it was also a day to use up forbidden foods from the pantry; or to slaughter and enjoy a fattened calf on the last day. This may seem silly in this time of plenty. Meat was a more important food staple in the early days of the church. To give up meat for 40 days was a huge sacrifice. Most importantly it is a day of repentance; a day to look for forgiveness before embarking on a journey to follow our Lord more closely. The parties and carnivals seem so out of place unless you know that the word Carnival in Latin (carne vale) means, "Farewell to the Flesh". So maybe it is most of all a time to reflect upon the beginning of a season where we celebrate one of our faiths greatest mysteries, the farewell to Jesus in the human flesh and HIS resurrection. Fat Tuesday or Mardis Gras actually has it's "kick off" during Epiphany (12 days after Christmas) when the see the Wise Men finding Jesus and bearing gifts to the newborn King. A lot of the funny traditions also stem form this. It is believed that we make king cakes (a colorful and lavish bread associated with Mardi Gras) in a circular shape to imitate the routes taken by the wise men in finding Jesus (frequently a small baby doll is hidden in the bread to represent the Christ child). The wise men traveled in a circular path to confuse king Herod. What ever the reason that we do the funny things we do before Lent, we should keep in our hearts the solemn season which will begin abruptly at midnight of Fat Tuesday. Hopefully we will open ourselves to a deeper understanding of Christ through our Lenten journey how ever we chose to begin it. Copyright 2012 Micheline Edwards All rights Reserved

Monday, February 13, 2012

Through a Snowy Window

Sitting by the window I see small white fluff clumping together as it falls from the sky. The lumps fall & mound on our pines, around the barn stalls and in the street. Our street isn't a busy one on any day; today it is unusually serene. Looking through the window makes me feel as though I am sitting inside a Currier & Ives print. Our horses are happy in their blanket of snow. The young steer at the barn calls out ever so often to make sure we are aware of the weather change. My son just came in from the barn with his puppy. Both of them are all bundled in matching coats and covered from head to foot (tail) with heavy snow. The boy is smiling and I think the puppy is too. My son is training the puppy to stay in the entry way (our older dog would live there and respects the privilege of coming in the house). It is amusing to hear my son take on a "parenting tone" with his pup. Most of the day has been quiet and peaceful. I've caught up with a few friends and enjoyed the opportunity to not have to be anywhere or do anything. I did do some dishes, laundry and that sort of thing but it is a treat to just drop everything for a few hours. I have friends who's jobs require them to go out, I've been there. But for those of us that can stay home the snowfall can be a much needed mini "staycation". Most of us spend our days running from one thing to the next. We eat on the run, breathe on the run and run on the run. To sit by a window and sip some cocoa or tea and not "run" anything but our mind's quiet thoughts is a rare treat. When I was a child I used to love to walk through the woods and under the cedar trees heavy with snow on these days. I would shake the heaps of snow off the branches and onto myself and remember giggling as it would fall heavily onto my warmly wrapped head. Such silly idleness is not often found as we become adults or even for a lot of children (these days) but our hearts need this time to "reboot". If you are lucky enough to have a snow day. Savor being trapped at home, enjoy the space that you usually go to work to pay for. Maybe go out and shake a little snow down your collar or throw a snowball. Childlike freedom is a treasure. Instead of thinking of what you might be missing think of it as a reschedule... a gift of innocence for a day. Happy Snow Day*

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Oh my sweetest Valentine, BE what you seek in others.

Awe... it is February the month of Valentines, love notes and couples. It is a time when we tell our family, friends and special loves what they mean to us. Oh wait, this could be Christmas two months into the year! This could be Thanks-Giving ten months early! This could be....should be...Everyday of the year. We should always let those we love know how we feel. Hopefully they too, will do the same. What makes us want to love someone or someone love us? Is it primal urges, good looks and all that? Sure at the romantic level some degree of physical attraction does help. None of us wants to introduce our date or spouse by saying," Oh yes and this is Bob" and then point to the guy with a lunch sack over his head! We have also all seen the odd couple too. You know the did "he/she end up with...". What DID "so and so" see in ???? Good question for sure. That question can also be applied to couples that have stood the test of time. What makes them stay together and remain in love even through the storms of life? I think the same answer applies to all of these questions. Is the person you are directing your affection too "LOVABLE"? are you "LOVABLE"? We all like to think we are. How do you respond to your spouses touch? Would you want your touch reciprocated? How do you react when they have had a bad day? What would you want to hear? What does it mean to be lovable? I think to be loved, you most go beyond looks, beyond the expected and strive to be cherished. To be loved and cherished you must be someone who is lovable. Here is the biggy..."Love is the the motivation behind the attitude we are driven to emulate". Our attitude affects our decisions, our choices, our actions and our contentedness. Our decision to be love directly affects our ability to attract love, to maintain it, to build upon it and it give back to others. Our Father served us with a servants heart. Throughout his life and beyond he loved us with an unconditional love. Do you love unconditionally? Do you serve those you love with a happy heart? If not, look at yourself; WOULD YOU LOVE YOU? What makes one spouse love their partner no matter what and another turn away while they seemingly have "everything"? Maybe "everything" is not what we think it is. I have a favorite author Debbie Pearl. One of my favorite quotes from her is: ~"Discontentment is not a product of circumstances but a state of the soul".~
We come into this world with nothing and we can take nothing out, but our soul. Why is it then, that we apply our focus of attention on the superficial; worldly goods and not on our soul? We should practice happiness, contentment, understanding and forgiveness even when serving; when we place a smile on our faces who could not be inclined to love and cherish us? Philippians 2:5 tells us that in all we do we must think and act like Jesus. Certainly EVEN those of us who are not faithful can agree that if we love unconditionally and bear our burdens with joy, we could be found more lovable in return. For those of us of faith we know for sure, that the more we love and are content we are; the more loved and content others find us. So are you lovable? Do walk around with a smile, do you offer to help with a happy heart, do you embrace others who reach toward you, do you do what needs to be done even if not asked. Are you someone who is a joy to be with? If you wish love, if you wish to be cherished; then look at yourself in the mirror of your soul, not in the mirror of your bathroom. Do not spend you time seeking the perfect outfit to attract love, the best thing you can wear is a smile. If you seek love or to deepen the loves you have, deepen your own demeanor. Make cheerful your continence, be what you should seek to have at your side in life. When you are content and beautiful from the inside out (old but true saying) Love will grow from you and its vines will wind their way back to you full of blossoms. As with all gardens this will take time, patience and practice. Practice being cheerful, practice how you would like to be responded to, practice your reactions to others. When you are full of love (practice makes NOT perfect but perfect goodness) love will find you. For even the most homely of us shall be loved and cherished if we are servants with cheerful hearts. Tell others you love them everyday not just in words (although these are good to hear) but in your actions. Don't show your love just on holidays or with gifts of material goods but with smile in your soul. Happy Valentines Day to everybody, may you seek to be cherished, to love with a greater passion this year, all year and from now on.
Copyright 2012 Micheline Edwards
All rights Reserved