Monday, February 13, 2012

Through a Snowy Window

Sitting by the window I see small white fluff clumping together as it falls from the sky. The lumps fall & mound on our pines, around the barn stalls and in the street. Our street isn't a busy one on any day; today it is unusually serene. Looking through the window makes me feel as though I am sitting inside a Currier & Ives print. Our horses are happy in their blanket of snow. The young steer at the barn calls out ever so often to make sure we are aware of the weather change. My son just came in from the barn with his puppy. Both of them are all bundled in matching coats and covered from head to foot (tail) with heavy snow. The boy is smiling and I think the puppy is too. My son is training the puppy to stay in the entry way (our older dog would live there and respects the privilege of coming in the house). It is amusing to hear my son take on a "parenting tone" with his pup. Most of the day has been quiet and peaceful. I've caught up with a few friends and enjoyed the opportunity to not have to be anywhere or do anything. I did do some dishes, laundry and that sort of thing but it is a treat to just drop everything for a few hours. I have friends who's jobs require them to go out, I've been there. But for those of us that can stay home the snowfall can be a much needed mini "staycation". Most of us spend our days running from one thing to the next. We eat on the run, breathe on the run and run on the run. To sit by a window and sip some cocoa or tea and not "run" anything but our mind's quiet thoughts is a rare treat. When I was a child I used to love to walk through the woods and under the cedar trees heavy with snow on these days. I would shake the heaps of snow off the branches and onto myself and remember giggling as it would fall heavily onto my warmly wrapped head. Such silly idleness is not often found as we become adults or even for a lot of children (these days) but our hearts need this time to "reboot". If you are lucky enough to have a snow day. Savor being trapped at home, enjoy the space that you usually go to work to pay for. Maybe go out and shake a little snow down your collar or throw a snowball. Childlike freedom is a treasure. Instead of thinking of what you might be missing think of it as a reschedule... a gift of innocence for a day. Happy Snow Day*

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