Tuesday, January 15, 2013

God plans little Things too...

I enjoyed an unexpected day at home today and spent the morning catching up with friends. It is funny how things work out sometimes. I drove slowly down the back roads over to help a friend and neighbor with a sick pig and see their new puppies. I drove slowly, as you do on dirt roads. I enjoyed the frost covered winter scenery and thought about how much these simple country moments mean. When I got there my friend was out feeding and watering. I helped my friend (in his 80’s) finish his morning chores and we went in to have coffee and chat with his wife. Sometimes it is the simple things that are so meaningful. We talked about puppies, unfinished and unending projects that pop up around a farm and what kinds of seed we needed to order for our spring pastures to perk up after last summer’s long hot drought. As I left he tucked a seed catalog under my arm and walked me to my car. I so enjoy the energy that he has and his gentlemanly charm even on a day when it is about 22 degrees outside. I got home and broke water (again) for our livestock and went inside to tackle some projects. As I was starting a pot of stew for dinner and cutting up vegetables my thoughts wandered to how nice the morning visit was. I then began thinking about simple time’s years ago and how friends would spend all morning doing chores together and sipping coffee. I thought about how neighbors were friends and how everyone cared for one and other with deep value for life. My thoughts then went to my Amish friends who I had not spoken to in a few months. I missed going to their community and how the world came to a new pace when you were there. I don’t know that slower is the way to describe the Amish life style but simple and pure surely do seem to fit. Just as I was longing to visit with my friends in the Amish community, the phone rang and it was to my delight one of my Amish friends. So nice it was to hear her sweet voice and get caught up. While she was not in my home I felt as though we were in the same kitchen as we chatted and I worked. We finished our visit while I finished my stew and dishes. I passed greetings and well wishes on to my other friends and we ended our phone visit with a promise to see each other in person soon. As I sit here I ponder how things sometimes occur even without our own understanding. While today these were simple gifts of friendship and thought; I would have missed out on these had I been at work. I was unaware of these sweet gifts when I was deciding not to go to work (due to illness circulating there). I was even somewhat upset about missing pay (although I didn't care to get what everyone else had) but now I realize I would have missed so much more today than the all mighty dollar. Of course we all do need cash to function and we all need the jobs that generate this cash flow. It is sad sometimes how these jobs that allow us to live in our society often isolate us from society and what matters. While I cannot miss work every day; I am so glad I spent the unexpected day at home. I got a chance to catch up with dear friends and several things around the house. It does seem that God has a plan for us even in the smallest matters.Copyright 2013 Micheline Edwards All rights Reserved.

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