Thursday, July 28, 2011


There are many choices in life. The good...the bad. The decisions that seem like the right thing at the time and those that you have to just jump and pray for. This summer our youngest son made a choice to attend a service camp and a church retreat instead of playing football. I say instead because he conscientiously knew that attending these activities would cause him to be either dropped from the team or to sit on the bench most of the season because he was not available for camp. He had once had a coach tell him in 9th grade when he left practice early for a holy day of obligation "to get his priorities straight". Doyle and I neither one asked him to make this choice but he choose to do so on his own. He had attended weight training all summer is a good athlete and enjoys this sport a lot. His rational was to help others, become a better person, to grow up a lot and to stretch himself to reach for the pole most kids don't climb. He made it back from the service retreat a young man of stature and holiness. His compassion for others around him was greater and his vision of the world we live in was broader than a football field (as a manner of speaking). This camp was not fluff. The young people who were there worked hard everyday in 100+ degree heat. They cleaned outside, built things, served the needy, prayed for the unborn, rocked children who don't always get their needs met & got to know individuals that others pass by. At the end of a hot week after working hard he came home with a smile on his face and an appreciation for a part of our world a lot of teens don't see. The week between the two camps he (along with his brother) again gave in service to others and helped at the fairgrounds they wired buildings, hung lights, hooked up air conditioners, cleaned barns and helped with the kids games in the heat (they did enjoy the time with friends in the evenings too). On Sunday I took him to his second camp this one was not a service camp, but a retreat for young men to venture on outings and explore who they are and who they want to become. The boys discussed the things that most people don't touch, let alone teens; like, "what kind of human being are you". He discovered mentors of the highest standings and made friends that will last a lifetime. I picked him up today and found a young man at peace with himself and those around him. I asked him on the way home if he had a good time? he replied the best! After inquiring about the weeks activities which were amazing, I ventured to the question of "did he feel he made the right choice about his summer camps". His answer was a resounding "yes". Football and sports are wonderful, all of our boys have played and some will play again but the wonder of his choices is that there is life outside of sports and after sports. I am proud of him for making a difficult choice; that he presented to himself and for being so self assured in his decision. I am also proud of the child who discovered this summer that life isn't all fun and games but always truly a blessing to be a part of. He engaged in life this summer and I know will be a better man when he is older because of the choices he is making today. God designed us to be whole and complete. HE wants us to stretch ourselves where we are unsure and to test the waters by reaching for the unknown. HE wishes every part of our lives to interconnect with HIS love & plan. Thessalonians 5:23 states "May God himself, the God who makes everything holy & whole, make you holy and whole, put you together~spirit, soul and body ~and keep you fit for the coming of our Master, Jesus Christ". Our son chose well this summer, I feel he is on his way to becoming a Godly young man who will be whole in life. AND YES! he "has his priorities straight."

Copyright © 2011-2012 Micheline Edwards
All rights reserved to by Micheline Edwards


  1. Anyone interested in the service retreat Beket attended look up "Christ Power" on the Jefferson City Catholic Diocesan wed site. Three of my five children have attended this amazing week of grace at work and we highly recommend it. My Daughter Camie who is now an adult was one of the assistant directors this year and I am sure would be happy to answer your questions and tell you why teens actually pay money to spend a week working hard for others!!! Truly inspirational!
