Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A tuesday ...

After surviving the county fair it occured to me that we needed a blog of our life here in rural Missouri. I wish I had done this sooner but better late than never. So here goes entry # 1 :). Well most of our clan is out and about this week. Our 20 year old is home for two days selecting a car. He had an accident about a year ago and has been without wheels since that time. I am impressed with his smile and his positive attitude durring this time. His patience has paid off as we are going today to pick up his new car. Well not new, but new to him. he has driven "the bomb" the last few weeks. The bomb is a a nearly 20 year old Bonneville with NO air. Having received his first internship he had to have some sort of transportation to and from school and work. My husband Doyle was nice enough to give up his "bomb" to the cause Lol. Doyle has since been, for several weeks at the mercy of whoever could take him to work etc. It is amazing to me how much a family that loves each other can accomplish. I once asked my mother in law "when do things get easy?" her reply was "never, you just learn to roll with the issues better". She was right; not that I don't have days that the punches aren't there. Sometimes they are old wounds that resurface and other days it is a new blow but we always seem to find the courage to put our trust in God and let HIM put us where we need to be. Today he and I will need to be at the bank this afternoon, so my son who has bummed rides and driven what was loaned to him can purchase his first car (he is buying this on his own!!!) I am so proud of his patience, hard work and trust that things would work out for him, I can't tell what he is getting right now he is SO excited and wants to share that news himself and I can't blame him; he's earned it! To my son; you are amazing! On a side note he just came in from getting ready and brought me a cup of coffee :)

Copyright © 2011-2012 Micheline Edwards
All rights reserved to by Micheline Edwards

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