Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Relationships and Getting Dirty

After an unseasonably warm winter and an early itch (which I resisted as much as possible) to plant and play outside. I think the time has finally arrived to get dirty. I love the smell of the damp earth and the feel of the sun on my back as I plant and work in the flower and garden beds. It is a feeling that keeps me grounded to our most basic needs. Being in the yard also allows me time to think and to sort out all that goes on in our day to day duties and obligations. My husband and I spent the weekend tilling the garden, pulling weeds and talking. I am the gardener and the country mouse. My husband would much rather be in a condo in the upper east side of "City Somewhere". His dream would be no yard work or for that matter no yard!!! Don't get me wrong he loves green space; but not the care of said space. He tells me, he does the yard "stuff" for me. I on the other hand go stir crazy if I don't have some room between me and the next home, the scent of fresh cut grass blowing in my windows and some dirt to play in (although it is a chore at times).I am one of those odd people that actually loves to mow the lawn: my second to the youngest seems to have been bitten by the same bug and helps me when he can. I love the smell of fresh cut grass so much that; up until a few years ago I would always be the one to take the boys to cut and haul hay. I still tag along ( but now behind a wheel). I decided it was time to hand the field torch over, after pulling out my shoulder three years ago. Nothing will take me back, to being about 7 years old faster than the smell of fresh cut hay or the odd scent of an iris blossom. I remember picking iris out of my mom's huge bed and taking my teachers these "quick to wilt in a vase" flowers for weeks. During the long bus ride into town, I would hold my treasure and breath in it's funny scent. Currently we try to keep mowed about 6-8 acres of yard and garden paths; along with several flower gardens and a family vegetable garden. These are enjoyed by our family and lots of others. I am always searching for a way to share this "treasure" with others. Sometimes I feel the burden of up keep and entice family (not always so willingly)to help. While out in the dirt this weekend it was a bit windy and cool as my husband and I worked. I watched as his cheeks got a ruddy glow from the sun. After several hours and most of the work done he announced he was finished for the day and retreated inside. I stayed out till way past time to start dinner and finally after planting what was waiting for a new home came in. Later in the evening after showering and heading to the kitchen my husband came in to join me while I finished dinner. As we talked and sipped some wine he announced to me, "that he is still not a big fan of yard work but the time we spend uninterrupted in the yard is priceless". With out realizing it I think he may be becoming a garden lover (maybe it was exhaustion or the wine talking)! There is a joy in being outside connected with the earth. While you usually never realize the "gift of dirt" when working hard (mowing, weeding, tilling, hauling hay or guarding a treasure for a teacher on a bus ride). You only need a particular scent on a breeze, or the sun on your back to take you to a fond place or a precious moment: to know it is all worth while. I think this summer when the tomato and cucumber plants get big I may introduce my husband to dirt salad...just you, a friend and salt shaker (snitched from the kitchen) hidden in the garden plants with dirty bums, visiting while enjoying sun warmed salted veggies! Copyright 2012 Micheline Edwards All rights Reserved


  1. I am holding off on some things like tomatoes till mid-May. Have you heard of Baker Seed down near Mansfield? They have their big do-dah the 1st Sunday and Monday of May...lots of exhibitors, starter plants (all heirloom plants). I'm going down with friends on the Monday to have some fun and get something better in the tomato department than I could get from any other store.

  2. Me too. Yes I have been down there several time both for festivals and just for seeds. LOVE the place! Most of our seeds come from there. They (I think) have a "festival of smaller persuasions" once a month all summer. Let me know if you are heading down would love to tag along and will let you know if I am going. Sorry we didn't make the walk Sunday but it was the only day I could wrangle Doyle into the garden Lol Let me know if there is another fundraiser :)
