Sunday, April 29, 2012

Summer Paths

Muggy, warm but not uncomfortable, relaxed but still things to do; you have to love Sundays. We have had a particularly busy week. Things here will continue at a speedy pace for the next few weeks. We have so many endings to lots of hard work and dedication: and beginnings that will require the same in our future. Our 4th child will be graduating from high school this month. As the excitement about the end of many years of schooling commences; the fantastic adventure of furthering his education this fall will take its place. There will be stress, uneasiness, wonder and a great voyage ahead of him. Our youngest will be ending his junior year of high school and also finishing a two year journey with his Confirmation in to the church. He will experience relief and joy as summer begins. As he looks to the wonder of his senior year it will also be shadowed with lots of decisions and dedication to begin his post high school career that will keep his mind spinning. Things change so fast although sometimes we are so caught up on the moment we don't realize just how fast time flies by. My wish for my children this summer is to breathe in the essence of summer. To enjoy the warm lazy days, friends and good times; to prepare their hearts and minds to move forward in fall with full fervor. We are changing directions at the farm. We are still looking to focus our direction on education and family enjoyment but are looking to encompass a larger audience than in the past. We will still provide most of what we are comfortable with and know but are also venturing into the somewhat unknown in an effort to allow the farm to provide better for everybody. My dream is to take what we have and make it something that gives back more than in the past. This is exciting and overwhelming all at the same time. There will significant investments of time and energy that hopefully will blossom before us; but like in life there are no guarantees. While I encourage our two youngest to venture into the unknown I need to follow my own words and dive in head first; not knowing of course where this will take me. A relaxing afternoon gives me time to think about all the wonderful visions I have for things but also the time to weigh the down sides. I have decided that frequently in life I always take the "safety route", not this time. I am diving in head first into a dark pool with what I am hoping is a beautiful coral reef at the bottom. I will need to rely on God, the help of others and on my faith that this is where I need to grow. I have become keenly aware that the good we are given needs to be shared to be great! I am hoping that others enjoy playing in the mud, concerts under the moon and frolicking in the woods. I am becoming increasingly aware of the sad loss of our children being connected to the earth and am hoping to build upon this. There is a sense of wonder that needs to be shared. I am reminded of a favorite hymn. "The heavens are calling the glory of God and all creation is shouting for joy. Come dance in the forest come play in the field and sing, sing to the glory of the Lord". The next few months will be an exercise in this song and dance in life. May I embrace my boys and encourage them to sing, dance and play in all that is before them and do the same myself? I hope so...what a busy and glorious summer we have before us! Copyright 2012 Micheline Edwards All rights Reserved

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