Friday, September 20, 2013

This moment....

What a busy and amazing whirlwind of activity surrounding us the last few months. Our home was filled with the laughter of small children most of the summer as I watched three little ones I had looked after a couple of years ago as babies. It was nice to see how they had grown and share the summer with them. The last month of the summer we were blessed with our two oldest grandchildren joining us. What a buzz of excitement as they swam in the creek, took care of farm chores, played in the woods and they saw their first fireflies!!! Great times were had riding down to the creek every night we were able too. We threw rocks in the water, waded on some evenings and waited for the fireflies to come out. We would ride back home well after bed time with their little voices still babbling even after the lights were out. My husband and I were soooo tired!!! I also spent one of the best summers a mother could imagine with my youngest son. While I admit I was a bit apprehensive as the process started. Our son needed a job and I needed help on the farm. I really was thinking in my “mom mind”; he would last about two weeks into this game of "side by side with mommy". I thought, he would be feeling smothered and want more money and he would bail. To my surprise he did not. We spend the summer sharing chores, working on the farm, talking about life and sometimes enjoying lemonade on the patio in the late afternoon as the little ones napped. While my plan was to make him go look for a job; "you know, grow up a bit". I am so glad he decided to work from home. I told my husband that we had the best summer ever! We didn’t do big things. Every day was an adventure whether we were hosting guests on our farm, working outside, preparing dinner together and talking about the day or his future plans. Yesterday my husband and I took our youngest up for a college visit; he will be transferring next fall. I am sad he may be leaving but so excited for him! It was awesome to hear his advisor tell him how well prepared he is to move into this next phase in his life (both academically and emotionally). We got home and after being gone all day I went out and mowed till after dark. When I came in my son said mom could you help me with some homework? At first the “bubble over my head” said “really, now??”: Good thing we don't really have comment bubbles over us!! Being a mom I said sure, after I shower. I got out of the shower and helped him a bit, he had most of it done. As he closed his books he said “mom, you know you need to wait until after this year to go back to school” (I was planning on returning next semester) I said really why? He replied, "Because I still need you". My husband and I had discussed earlier in the evening after the long day, that we never knew how we juggled five children!!! My husband said... “We didn’t”. I stood there for a minute and pondered this. He was right we didn’t manage anything! We just ran by the seat of our pants and tried to enjoy every minute of it. No matter what you are finding in your life today, extra children, broken appliances/cars, sickness, kids that won’t go to bed because of excitement about life, never ending homework, the daily grind of house work, rain, failed plans for the day… keep in mind to “Enjoy this moment, this moment is your life”. Regardless of what you think is happening now you will always look back with a smile or fond memory. I usually start to write my blogs with some intentions of making an eventual path towards a message. This time I decided to just get back to the “pen” since it had been so long. Childhood and life is short,savor every moment. My children are all “adults” but they are my friends and my children. Each one brings something unique to our family and to my life. Take some time this weekend to enjoy your family even if you do it cleaning the garage or working on homework  My husband has told me several times that I am the only person he knows who can find a reason to celebrate every day. I say... Why not??? Some of our summer projects!!! o

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