Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Giving Outward… So as I sit here looking out my kitchen window I realize just how fast the first part of our new year has flown by. We have already said our resolutions and most of us broken them and or started them over several times. We have looked for the ground hog and sent love to those we care about. As we begin the first week of March the Mardi gras celebrations and the parties that surround Fat Tuesday are in full swing. Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. We are called to begin another Lenten journey which will end on Holy Thursday as we celebrate the Lords supper and His rising again on Easter. As a Catholic I am called as others in my faith to observe certain practices ranging from prayer, fasting, penance and attendance at certain Mass’ as well as the calling of us to partake in almsgiving. Over the years I have written several takes on this. Today as I observe the ones I love going through different things in their lives, some experiencing joy and others sorrow. I feel a calling of not only giving but sharing and change. A few weeks ago I had a non-Catholic friend make a reference about how she was in church where she thought she should be feeling the most secure with the problems facing her but yet she felt as though she could do nothing other than cry. “Why is it,” she asked, “where you feel as though you should be most secure you feel so alone?” I wanted to tell her that her feelings were not those of being alone but those like a small child often has when they break down with a parent or loved one. They were the feelings of being able to let your guard down around those who you feel the safest but these feeling are often very humbling as well. Those feelings she was having were the presence of our Lord when she needed him. Often when this occurs we do not see or feel it that way. At times we are all like the tired or ill child that causes strife to those who love him most. We are often left only with anger or sadness. As a Catholic we often spend time with Our Father alone or in groups but in silent prayer or petitions in a practice we call Adoration. It is a time that we go and sit alone with our thoughts and get to know God. We pray for intercession, thanks, peace and understanding. We search during these times to know Him at a deeper level. Usually during Lent our family practice is not to give up soda or coffee or to turn the TV off but to “give” for the 40 days preceding Easter. Our society leads us to believe that this is to “give up” and maybe even heavy our hearts with burden. I feel that we are not being asked to give up material objects or practices just to give away something or to do without. It is not just to give up but to “give outward”. We usually clean out closets and such and give to charities during this time but this year (and I will probably do this still). This year I feel a calling to “give outward” and lead. Tomorrow is day one of Lent and I haven’t decided my plan of execution yet, but God will provide me with a plan. The purpose of giving up during this time is to grow in Christ and leaving cheese off of my grilled sandwich just doesn't seem adequate. Maybe I will start by inviting a friend to Adoration. Maybe that friend goes regularly maybe not. Maybe that friend will be Catholic maybe not. Maybe that friend will go with an open mind and in the quietness of the church they will hear Gods voice. If they leave with their hearts open and their minds calm they will know He was there. What better way to give, than to help a friend or someone in need than to extend a hand as they humble themselves before Christ. How precious to receive the gift of hearing Gods voice and knowing He is there. Such a gift is grace and grace is the foundation for giving. In Lent this year, “let’s not give up but make our choices so that we may give outward to others” and become better than we have been and grow deeper in our relationship with Christ.......

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