Thursday, March 23, 2017

The "real" old new post....

Everyone needs to see we are all human. A few weeks ago I made a post to a group of young moms that were heading to my house later in the evening. I meant to post it the next morning but just now realized I failed, forgot or whatever it was I didn’t do and didn’t turn it into the blog entry I had intended. I was too lazy that particular day to make corrections or for that matter even turn on my laptop and allow it to work its self-checking magic. So here is transparency, honesty, reality, or me just being human. Here my original post minus most of the typos because, well just because… "Greetings lovely ladies part of my job as a coach is to shed light…. "bright, bright sunshiny light" on life! To steer you towards a healthier & more carefree lifestyle so here's the scoop. Transparency is huge & I have had more than one mom talk about stress & meeting expectations. So here it is my floors are dirty, my bed is unmade, I did get my laundry washed but most is not put away (on bedroom floor), I am hoping to vacuum before my guests arrive (hosting a session tonight) and I should probably put something on other than the adult onesie which I am about ready to go feed livestock in (hey why shower to feed the pigs; really! lol). Thank goodness our neighbors’ aren’t close; nobody needs “P.J. retina burn” (hey it could be a thing)! So here's the rest of the scene. I've enjoyed soothing breezes through my sunny open windows today, have had the pleasure of coaching two other beautiful souls this morning, finished some paperwork for an upcoming project & honestly I love to cook and have gotten completely lost for a couple of hours preparing delicious food for some amazing guests tonight". A follow up to this was that I allowed life to unfold and I went with the flow. Our evening turned out great. I shut the bedroom door, served great food, laughed a lot enjoyed the evening and quite frankly I probably could have left my pajamas on to greet guests (yeah, be jealous)..Copyright © 2017 Micheline Edwards #bereal #behappy #lifecoach #ridiculouslyamazinglife

Using All Your Colors

Last night I attended an art exhibition; a mind enlightening experience in itself. The room was filled with many diverse guests from all over the world. I stood at the balcony watching the sunset over the mountains as I sipped a glass of wine. The sun hidden, I slowly made my way back into the gallery; watching the guests as I weaved through the crowd to my table. I am a people watcher. I admit it. I love quiet sparsely populated places most of the time but densely populated spaces often catch my attention; stirring thoughts race though my head. I watched the interactions, choices, facial expressions, words spoken and moods that seeped into the room with the same thought intensity that captured me as I strolled through the gallery earlier in the evening. The room was an array of emotion, all taking in the same experience. I feel that your ability to immerse yourself in a moment often shapes your life more than the event itself. Some like art, some don't, some find mingling intrusive while others thrive on it. The bottom line I observed wasn't whether or not a person actually enjoyed the activity but how they engaged in the particular event. Like art; life is subjective. The experiences a person has prior to viewing a particular work of art can actively change the way they view that piece. Their mood or thoughts can affect their perception of whether a piece brings joy beyond words, is ordinary, repulsive and so on. I watched and noticed that everyone’s experience was a work of art. What they put on their plates, how they engaged in the exhibit and with those around them was all painted by the “colors” they carried around with them. Those who were leaving their "colors" put away, generally ended conversations, made bland choices and overall they didn’t engage. They seemed at best bored with the whole experience. Those that took in the space, selecting “vibrant colors”, engaged, laughed, mingled among the artwork, ate delicious food and enjoyed the evening. We all are handed a new box of colors at different times in life. Like the crayons we used during our school days we wear them out, lose them and forget where we left them. Many of us always wear out the same colors over and over again and sit there wondering why our lives always look the same. In order for the picture to be different you need to use all the crayons in your box all the time. If you don’t like the picture you are creating of your life maybe take out a sharp new color you’ve never used before. More color creates more opportunity for something beautiful. More color invites healthier choices, better moods, more engagement with others and a generally brighter, more cheerful and ridiculously amazing life.Copyright © 2017 Micheline Edwards

Monday, March 6, 2017

Defining Amazing

What is the definition of a Ridiculously Amazing Life…is it the way we perceive ourselves or the manner in which others define us and our achievements or shortcomings? We are human and by the very DNA that created us, we are not capable of perfection. We harbor an inescapable quality to use our very uniquely human abilities to make choices, engage and experience emotion. It is our very “human” qualities that allow us to be alive and function as the beings we are and not just merely navigate blindly through life. We own the gift of free will which allows us to design and deliver our own destinies. In the process of making choices we often succeed wildly. We just as often fall short or even fail completely. We tend to judge ourselves and others according to the ideals we desire. It is by the vice and virtue of free will that we often chose a path that is in conflict with our goals and dreams. So what is it that determines a person’s success or shortcomings? Some of us thoughtfully chose a path that we believe will enable us to reach for the stars. Others often consciously or unconsciously pick self-sabotage. Yet, at the end of the day these very choices no matter how we made them or what the day had to offer; are not always what define our happiness or our success after the dust has settled. Is a person’s success or joy determined then by extraneous sources like net worth, travel, beauty and notoriety? Deeply I know it is not but this is often how we measure our own greatness and that of those around us. Why is it that someone such as Mother Theresa who lived of life of vows to be humble, unassuming, nonjudgmental, chase, poor and to serve others without end; is viewed as having lived a truly amazing life? “I believe it was her ability to engage”. ~mE© Like you and I Mother Theresa most assuredly made her share of imperfect choices and was saddled by those beyond her control. What I feel allowed her to be steadfast, to move forward and stand out was that she allowed herself and choose to engage in the moment, regardless of what it brought and to walk away from it being fully immersed as it occurred. What makes you look back at a moment, an event, a day, a year or a lifetime and allow you to feel it was truly, unarguably & inequitably amazing? I feel; No, I know…. “Living a ridiculously amazing life is choosing to be physically and spiritually engaged in a given moment while being able to find or apply value to the event after it has run its course” ~mE© Copyright © 2017 Micheline Edwards