Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Momma to Mom Journey

 I saw the image below this morning and snagged it; not sure who to credit but it is brilliant. It evokes some deep thoughts of love & motherhood in me. The photo (above) is one my daughter took of me with my granddaughter. A mother's love knows no boundaries and this is sometimes a fine or awkward line. Most women either have or will travel through these phases.... "Momma, Mommy and Mom". I personally have taken this journey 5 times and am now watching it unfold with my daughter & daughter in laws. I've watched this process since I became a mother for the first time; especially when watching strangers with older children or even when observing my own mother & mother in law (even when well intended moments went astray). What I never understood is how this evolution prepares our children so beautifully for their first solo flights & leaves our hearts so full but yet empty all at the same time. Our minds can travel from momma to mom much more gracefully than our hearts. What we often fail to remember when dealing with other women especially or own mothers or mother in laws (judgment etc); is that they will always be “momma”. Our children are always our babies no matter the stage they are in. They grow up, move on, and start their own families. They are always our family even after they begin their own. The point of this post is to remind the grown daughters & daughter in laws (myself included) to remember when dealing with your mother's or mother in laws that you or your spouse were once and always will be the tiny child who called them "momma". Men, this blog post was written with women and mothers in mind but as much as you love your children and always want to do the best for them your mothers intentions are usually the same.  This isn't about boundaries but compassion for where someone else's heart is. Often I see in mom groups such venom spewed about our mothers (mother in laws especially) when often it was honestly love for a child. That child might be an adult with their own family and ways of doing things but to a mother you cannot just turn off concerns, love or involvement. Not asking to debate that there needs to be separation. I have no desire to be involved 24-7 with my grown children but asking grown children use respect for where a mother of grown/older children might be viewing things from. Years ago I learned that you never know what someone else might be going through, to never say never and to not judge. 
I would like to encourage/challenge each of us here to pray for the next 7 days for your mothers and your spouse’s mother's. Pray that you learn compassion & understanding for their journey that allow your ears & hearts to be open to their words or actions and what might have created these. Pray that you learn to treat them with love & respect even if you don't always agree about doing things particular ways. 
I did this year's ago and also still do when I get frustrated with either of our mothers. It changed my heart and creates more joyful relationships. 💗
Try to imagine the advice Mary might have given as a mother or mother in law to her daughter's given today's world.
Micheline Edwards © 2017, revised 2019

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