Thursday, March 19, 2020

Save Your Salty Sparkle for Later... Now is not the time to Share.

Are You Like Spilled Salt & Glitter?

Sparkle all You want from your own space....This morning while having a chat with a dear friend in Italy. We were discussing how blessed we currently feel. We both have our health, a home and space to walk safely even though there are restraints. Anxiety and fear are high for many right now.

Freedom in our country is a most valuable and wonderful thing. It is something that in many never experience in some places on earth. It is because of its spectacular value and importance that we covet it with such strong convictions. Are strong ideals and open speech combined with our freewill granted by God create a sense of strong will, determination, sass and entitlement. This could be why in other nations we are not thought of fondly. This is the foundation by which we were founded and have continued to prosper.

In my lifetime and certainly not in my children’s lifetime we have never been asked to do something of such great magnitude as a mass quarantine, against our will. Our neighbors are fearful of losing what they hold dear. They are afraid for their health, their safety and their freedom to speak and choose.

Our freedom while of epic value and not to be taken for granted or squandered is also something that stands in the way of creating us great loss right now. 

We have within our power the supplies (if we do not consume with greed), the space, the shelter and the medical care to ride out this storm.

We have been championed by other places in the world for our swift actions and the ability to stop the current issue in its tracks. We started out ahead of the game, with potential to nip things in the bud but are losing ground quickly. So why is this so hard? 

The reason is because we have freedom.
Our virtue has become our vice.
Freedom is a wonderful thing. Right now our freedom to do what we choose, when we choose and how we wish, is being threatened. This is a temporary inconvenience, but our fear responses are on high alert and many of us just can’t comply. Many are staying home; their fear is telling them to hide in their burrows till mamma bear calls the all clear.  The rest are running around like town crier and leaving an invisible but very damaging mess in their footprints.

Have you ever spilled salt or glitter and tried to clean it up; Only to find particles for days or months afterwards?  Our quarantine is like this, we are being asked to stay in our containers for a bit, so we don’t leave particles behind for others to find. No matter how careful you are or how much you clean something that involves glitter; there is almost always a few pieces here and there that get stuck to other things.
Nobody wants to lose their freedom or be told what to do but here’s the catch none of us want to lose anything… not our jobs, homes, cars, food, possessions, security or most of all our most cherished... our loved ones.
We must trust. Trust is a hard thing for most of us; even me,  but we have to right now. 

If you can’t believe the news sources or your own wisdom; ask a friend who is a doctor or nurse, ask someone you know in another country, ask God.  Your medical friends may tell you that yes, the threat is real, your friends in other countries will agree but they know that allowing others to do their jobs is paramount. 
Ask God… if you apply your faith we are taught above all else to “Trust in Him” and to “Have faith”.

Friends I am asking you to stay home for your safety, for the welfare of others and to allow this short few weeks to be a cleansing period and a time of renewal with our families and with God.; 
After all it is Lent. Its this not living the season with gusto?

Nobody is taking your freedom today. We are asking you to sacrifice for a short while for the better good. Unless everyone follows the rules, we are like spilled salt or glitter that just keeps showing up stuck to something when you don’t want it there. 

Sure, it hurts to disinfect or stitch up a bad wound. It hurts even more if it gets infected and you have to lance it or worse remove the limb. Temporary pain for gain is the answer here.

The current situation has no room for even a single grain of salt left out to be found or we will start cleaning up this mess repeatedly.

Demanding or taking freedom or using free will when you are placing others at grave risk isn’t freedom at all:  it is simply displacing your inconvenience on others and creating a greater possible heartache for someone else.

The longer we refuse to quarantine ourselves the longer this will take. So we can do this calmly while we are all mostly safe, healthy and have supplies or we can keep the particles showing up for months and wait until there is nothing.

Please stay home unless you are a person of absolute need (law, medical personal etc.) The more tightly closed you keep your container (just immediate family if possible) the better and faster this will be over.

My son and good friend both physicians, fear that because some of us can’t play by the rules, they will cost others great loss, much greater than most can imagine. Both have stated this could go on for months unless people pay attention to the warnings.

There will be time to spread your salty sparkle around…. this is not that time!
Stay home and place your trust in God
Micheline Edwards © 2020

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